
Many individuals and organisations have contributed their expertise, insights and time to support the development of the Australian Cancer Plan (the Plan).

Cancer Australia recognises its partnership with the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care and acknowledges the fulsome engagement of the State and Territory Governments in supporting the delivery of the Plan.

Cancer Australia also thanks Cancer Australia’s Advisors: Dr Anupriya Agarwal, Professor Raymond Chan, Professor Adam Elshaug, Adjunct Professor Mick Reid and Professor David Roder, for their support and wise counsel. In particular, Cancer Australia would like to acknowledge the contribution of Professor Jacinta Elston to the development of the Plan. Professor Elston led engagement with key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and guided the process of co-design integral to its development.

The advice and support from the many stakeholders forming Cancer Australia’s advisory groups, including the Australian Cancer Plan Advisory Group, Australian Cancer Plan Jurisdictional Reference Group, Cancer Australia Advisory Council, the Intercollegiate Advisory Group, the Leadership Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Control, and the Research and Data Advisory Group, is gratefully acknowledged.

Cancer Australia owes a debt of gratitude to the numerous stakeholder organisations and people who contributed to the Plan either by way of submissions and/or by attendance at workshops and other public forums. We give particular thanks to all the cancer consumers who generously gave their time and experience to help us ensure the patient is at the very centre of this Plan.

The Cancer Australia staff working on the Australian Cancer Plan are commended for their skills, ideas, and the work ethic required to bring the Plan to life.

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