Strategic Objective 3: World class health systems for optimal care

5-year goal
Action 3.5.1

Integrate Optimal Care Pathways (OCPs) as routine cancer care using a monitoring and evaluation system that links the implementation of OCPs to patient outcomes and experience.

Building on Action 3.2.1 Develop and implement a national framework that standardises the development, evaluation and uptake of Optimal Care Pathways (OCPs), including for priority population groups, this action embeds the national framework and entrenches the OCPs into cancer care within a 5-year period.

In addition to the activities in Action 3.2.1, this 5-year action includes:

  • initiatives that support the integration of OCPs into routine clinical pathways and practice, with enhanced access to resources for consumers, carers and families
  • establishment of a national monitoring and evaluation approach to OCPs to ensure continuous improvements, linked to Action 4.5.1 Design and embed patient reported experience and patient reported outcomes into national performance monitoring and reporting for all providers, to assess services for all population groups and establish an evidence base. Results should be routinely published
  • consideration of the impact of review and evaluation cycles as the number of OCPs increase and patient outcomes and experience data mature.

Clear, routine monitoring and evaluation of the OCPs using standardised measures of both implementation progress and outcomes, at a national level, will ensure that cancer care delivery is evidence-informed and continually improved to ensure the best possible outcomes for all Australians living with cancer. This action relies upon the successful implementation of an agreed national cancer data framework, patient reported experience and patient reported outcomes as part of national performance monitoring (for further detail, see Action 4.2.1 Develop an agreed national cancer data framework to improve accessibility, consistency and comprehensiveness of integrated data assets and Action 4.5.1 Design and embed patient reported experience and patient reported outcomes into national performance monitoring and reporting for all providers, to assess services for all population groups and establish an evidence base).

Further to the implementation considerations identified in Action 3.2.1, this action requires the development of co-design monitoring and evaluation approaches that ensure cultural safety for all priority populations, as well as considering the impact of intersectionality.

Stakeholder Quotes

Embedding OCPs within the Australian Cancer Plan as national standards of cancer care and value-based care will improve person centred optimal cancer care. One way to ensure integration is to develop key performance indicators related to the OCPs to hold health services accountable.
Public Consultation Submission
Embedding OCPs within the Australian Cancer Plan as national standards of cancer care and value-based care will improve person centred optimal cancer care. One way to ensure integration is to develop key performance indicators related to the OCPs to hold health services accountable.
Public Consultation Submission
We need to have identified the barriers and enablers to care and address what is not working, perhaps by evaluating the Optimal Care Pathways for people with cancer.
Strategic Objectives Workshop

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