Strategic Objective 2: Enhanced consumer experience

5-year goal
Action 2.5.2

Require health services to provide co-designed, culturally responsive resources to enable healthcare providers to communicate respectfully with consumers.

Building on Action 2.2.3 Support health services to provide co-designed, culturally responsive resources to enable healthcare providers to communicate respectfully with consumers, this action solidifies and embeds changes in the health services required within a 5-year period.

In addition to the activities in Action 2.2.3, this 5-year action could include:

  • developing national guidelines on culturally responsive resources to support all healthcare providers to have informed, respectful communication with consumers including their carers and families across the cancer care continuum, especially those from different priority population groups
  • implementation of cultural safety in cancer service performance measures and continuous improvement initiatives
  • building community awareness and knowledge on the value of culturally responsive cancer care for enhanced consumer experiences and equitable cancer care.

National guidelines on culturally responsive resources should align with other cultural training programs to drive consistency (see Action 5.2.3 Evaluate and extend cultural safety training programs to cancer service providers, including through community-based partnerships with priority population groups). This action additionally builds upon activities to improve availability of co-designed, tailored information and care for consumers (see Action 2.2.2 Improve availability of co-designed, tailored information and care for consumers to improve health literacy and reduce cancer-related stigma).

Implementation of this action for priority population groups could consider:

  • co-designing tailored resources with priority population groups and healthcare providers that work with priority population groups, with considerations of intersectionality
  • adapting the workforce to enhance communication, for example involving interpreters and culturally trained workers to support people with diverse backgrounds, or allied health workers to support older Australians
  • embedding cultural safety training tailored to priority population groups, including on the use of clear, respectful, person-centred, culturally responsive, tailored and consistent language for a shared understanding of cancer care goals.

Stakeholder Quotes

Cancer care providers should receive comprehensive education to understand and provide culturally safe care that respects the values of their patients
International Cancer Plans
Cancer care providers should receive comprehensive education to understand and provide culturally safe care that respects the values of their patients
International Cancer Plans
Improving health literacy is critical and, equally, training clinicians to deliver information in simple, understandable language for varying levels of health literacy.
Public Consultation Submission

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