Strategic Objective 5: Workforce to transform the delivery of cancer care

5-year goal
Action 5.5.4

Support national coordination and implementation of a plan to recruit, train and retain the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Health Practitioners are critical to the Australian cancer workforce and the delivery of comprehensive, culturally safe and responsive, trauma-aware, healing-informed care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Supporting the national coordination and implementation of a plan to recruit, train and retain the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce will enable a sustainable, capable pipeline of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce. This will enhance responsiveness to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer, including their carers, families, and community, feel supported and represented throughout their cancer care journey.

This 5-year action is dependent on the success of Action 5.2.4 Identify priority areas of need for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce and develop a plan to recruit, train and retain the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce. The national coordination and implementation may include strategies such as:

  • enhancing formal partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led organisations including the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO),[159] and tertiary education institutions
  • expanding on existing entry pathways into the cancer care workforce for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • supporting the national coordination of the plan across states and territories to grow the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce
  • the national coordination and implementation should prioritise the voice of existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce and be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led.

Implementation of this action could address the ongoing cultural safety of all cancer services to ensure they are free of racism and discrimination and are supportive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals. Strategies to deliver this action should align with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan 2021–2031[133] and other existing programs and initiatives being delivered across government, including Leaders in Indigenous Medical Network, The Way Ahead for Aboriginal People, Workforce Development, and Support Units.

Stakeholder Quotes

Focus should be on providing opportunities to support Indigenous people to enter the cancer workforce. This includes clear training pathways and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to enter and complete their training and become health professionals across the cancer continuum.
Strategic Objectives Workshop
Focus should be on providing opportunities to support Indigenous people to enter the cancer workforce. This includes clear training pathways and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to enter and complete their training and become health professionals across the cancer continuum.
Strategic Objectives Workshop
The Indigenous population is young and there is an opportunity to influence the next generation to enter the workforce; build on the workforce education and training to create career paths for young Indigenous Australians.
Strategic Objectives Workshop
Clinical Colleges have an important role in relation to attracting and supporting Indigenous trainees as well as accountability for the delivery of culturally safe services including through their training programs.
Strategic Objectives Workshop

Implementation Considerations

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Enhance formal partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led organisations including the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO),159 and tertiary education institutions.
  • Expand on existing entry pathways into the cancer care workforce for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Support the national coordination of the plan across states and territories to grow the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce.
  • The national coordination and implementation should prioritise the voice of existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce and be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

  • Enhance formal partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led organisations including the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO),159 and tertiary education institutions.
  • Expand on existing entry pathways into the cancer care workforce for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Support the national coordination of the plan across states and territories to grow the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce.
  • The national coordination and implementation should prioritise the voice of existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer care workforce and be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led.

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